
Uploading videos


Upload a video

Maximum video length






Upload a video

On the website

Click the orange + Post button in the top right corner of the screen. Select the Video option. You will then be able to either “drag and drop” the image(s) you wish to upload, or you can click the Select Files button which will give you the following options to choose from:

- My Computer

- Dropbox

- SkyDrive

- Google Drive

Choose your preferred application, locate the video you wish to upload and click Open. You can then add a description to the video, tag your child and decide when on the timeline it should appear. Finally click on the Submit Video button to upload your post.



On the iOS app

Click on the orange + button menu bar at the bottom of the screen, then tap the Video icon. You can then choose whether to select photos from your camera roll or you can tap the camera icon to record the video now. If your video is too long you will be given the opportunity to select the section you wish to use on the Edit Video page, once selected click the Save button in the top right corner. You can then add a description, tag your child and decide when on the timeline your video should appear. Then tap the orange Publish button in the top right hand corner and your video will be uploaded to 23snaps.



On the Android app

Click on the orange + button in the top right corner, you will be given the option of adding a single photo, multiple photos, video, status or measurement, tap the Video icon. You can then choose whether to take a video or to choose one from your library. If your video is too long you will be given the opportunity to select the section you wish to use on the Edit Video page, once selected click the Save button in the top right corner. You can then add a description, tag your child and decide when on the timeline your video should appear. Then tap the orange Publish button in the top right hand corner and your video will be uploaded to 23snaps.







Maximum video length

The video limits for each platform are as follows:

  • iOS - 1 minute
  • Android - 1 minute
  • Website - 100mb


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