Add photos, videos or updates to a Collection
Create a Collection with photos and videos added by a connection
Share a Collection with someone who doesn't use 23snaps
Deleting a Collection, and what happens to the photos when you do
Who can see the Collections you create
View a connection's Collection
What is a Collection?
Photos and updates are automatically sorted by date on your child’s Timeline while Collections help you arrange your photos, videos and updates, so you can easily revisit those extra special moments.
Create a Collection
On the web
In the Newsfeed, locate an image that you would like to use to begin your collection. Click the + Add to Collections button beneath the bottom right corner of the image, in the lightbox; enter your collection's title and click Add Collection. Finally, click Save and your image will become part of the new collection.
On the iOS app
Tap the More button in the menu bar at the bottom of the screen, then select Collections. Tap the Add new collection tab at the bottom of the screen and enter the name of your new collection. Finally tap the Add button and your collection is ready for you to start adding photos.
On the Android app
Tap the Menu key in the top left of the screen, scroll down to Collections. Tap the Add new collection tab at the bottom of the screen and enter the name of your new collection. Finally tap the Add button and your collection is ready for you to start adding photos.
Add photos, videos or updates to a Collection
On the web
Having located the post that you want to add to your collection, you simple need to click on the Options button underneath that post. From the resulting menu, select the Add to Collection option, you will then be prompted to decide which collection you wish to add it to. Once you have made your selection, click Save.
On the app
There are 2 different ways to add a photo/video to a collection through the app, you can do so as you upload the post, or you can go back at a later date and add it in to the collection.
As you upload
Having followed the instructions to upload a photo up to the page that allows you to tag/date/caption your photo, you will now need to hit the Add to collections button on the lower half of the screen. You will then be prompted to select the collection to which you want to add your content, finally you will need to tap the Done button to ensure the selection is saved.
After the content has been posted
Locate the post you wish to add to your collection, tap the Options button and then select Add to Collections from the resulting options. You will then be prompted to select the collection to which you want to add your content, finally you will need to tap the Update button to ensure the selection is saved.
Create a Collection with photos and videos added by a connection
This is not possible at this time, you are only able to add your own uploads to a collection, however you can view a collection created by one of your connections.
Share a Collection with someone who doesn't use 23snaps
Unfortunately this action is not available through the website or the Android app at this time.
On the iOS app
Tap the More button in the menu bar at the bottom of the screen, then select Collections. Now you'll need to select the collection you wish to share. At the top of the screen tap the Options button and select the Share via e-mail option. Then all you need to do is add the email address of the recipient and hit Send.
Deleting a Collection, and what happens to the photos when you do
You can delete a collection from your account but it won’t delete the photos in that collection, they will simply be ungrouped. However it is not possible at this time to delete a collection via the website, it must be done through the app.
On the iOS app
Tap the menu button, then select Collections. On the Collections screen click the Edit button, then tap the cross in the top left corner of whichever collection you want to delete, you will need to confirm this action in a pop up on the screen. Finally tap Done to complete the process.
On the iOS app
Tap the menu button, then select Collections. On the Collections screen click the Edit button, then tap the cross in the top left corner of whichever collection you want to delete, you will need to confirm this action in a pop up on the screen. Finally tap Done to complete the process.
Who can see the Collections I create?
All of your connections call see your Collections (via the website), anybody that you are not connected to cannot.
View a connection's Collection
In order to view a Collection put together by one of your connections, you need to login to your account on the 23snaps website, and click on Friends & Family in the menu bar at the top of the screen. Select the Family whose Collections you wish to see, and click the Collections button in the top right of their profile. You can then click on each individual collection to view the images.